Of all the different Civil Works sectors, IMATHIA Construcción has a special vocation and interest in the railway sector, driven by the long professional trajectory of the company’s management team in this sector.
This vocation has led us to participate in large projects, both nationally and internationally, and to be leaders in high speed, track superstructure assembly, removal of level crossings, light rail, construction of workshops, among others.
Haramain High-Speed line (Mecca – Medina) superstructure construction
RAILWAYS Construction of the civil works superstructure for the Haraman High-Speed line between Makka and Medinah, including the maintenance of the civil works infrastructure for 12 years. The project consisted in the
Bulo – Bulo shunting yard (Bolivia)
RAILWAYS Execution of detail engineering, procurement and construction of a shunting yard with connection to the main railway line for the ammonia and urea plant. This project began with the development of
Madrid – Galicia High-Speed line: O Cañizo tunnel
RAILWAYS Track bed construction project. North-Northwest High-Speed Corridor. Madrid - Galicia High-Speed Line. Section: O Cañizo Tunnel. Right track. This project developed for ADIF consisted in the construction of the track bed
Antequera – Granada High-Speed line: Bobadilla Node (Antequera)
RAILWAYS Construction of track bed for the Antequera-Granada High-Speed Railway Line. Section: Bobadilla Node (Antequera). Phase II. The Bobadilla Node (Antequera), Phase II, has a length of 6.15 km and runs through
Granada light rail: Maracena – Villarejo
RAILWAYS Execution of the actions necessary for the works on line 1 of the Granada Light Railway. Section I. (Subsection I) Maracena-Villarejo. The works consisted in the construction of a double-track track
Tarragona – Barcelona – France line: Removal of level crossings Sant Celoni
RAILWAYS Tarragona-Barcelona-France line. Removal of the level crossings at Km points 157/530 and 157/630 by means of 2 pedestrian underpasses at Km points 157/495 and 157/630 and 1 vehicle underpass at Km point 157/921.